Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Was Mirza Ghulam a Prophet or a liar? You be the judge!

Mirza Ghulam’s verdict on contradiction


Mirza Ghulam Qadiani has made his verdict pretty clear in regards to contradictions and those who make them. Below are the statements he made regarding this matter.


“Any wise and sensible person can never keep two different beliefs.”
- [Ruhani Khazain: Volume 3, Page # 220] (direct link to the page)

Izala Auham P.220


“Writings of a truthful and clear conscience person never contain any contradictions. Yes, if someone is a lunatic and insane, or such a hypocrite who is a yes man for flattering someone, his writings will of course be contradictory.”

- [Ruhani Khazain Volume 10, Page # 142] (direct link to the page)

Satt Bachan P.30


“Writings of liar compulsorily contains contradictions.”
- [Ruhani Khazain Volume 21, Page # 275] (direct link to the page)

Braheen e Ahmadiyya part 5, P.111


As it’s evident to see, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani stated that the writing of compulsive* liars contain contradictions. He mentions the following about liars and lying:


“Lying is no less than becoming a apostate”.
- [Ruhani Khazain Volume 17, Page # 56] (direct link to the page)

Tuhfa Golravea P.13


“oh you idiots, to lie is like eating shit”
- [Ruhani Khazain: Volume 22, Page # 215] (direct link to the page)

Haqiqat ul Wahi P.207


“When a person is proven a liar in one instance, then he is no longer reliable in other matters/affairs”
- [Ruhani Khazain: Volume 23, Page # 231] (direct link for the page)

Chashma Marafat P.223


“I do not talk of earthly thing, because I’m not from this earth, rather I say only what God puts in my mouth”

- [Ruhani-Khazain: Volume 23, Page # 485] (direct link to the page)
Paigham e Sulha P.63


“And Allah does not leave me on error for a moment it takes to bat an eyelid. He protects me from all error and guides me from the ways of the devil.”
- [Ruhani Khazain: Volume 8, Page # 272] (direct link to the page)

or a moment it takes


If the last two statements mentioned above are true, then we should not find any contradictions in the writings of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani. However, if contradictory statements are found, then Mirza Ghulam Qadiani is rendered  a liar, hypocrite, lunatic, shit eater and no less than a murtad (apostate) etc, by his own verdict.
None of the above attributes are befitting characteristics of a good Muslim, let alone someone claiming Prophethood & Messiahship, like Mirza Ghulam Qadiani.


Promised Messiah or simply a liar?

Was Mirza Ghulam Qadiani the promised Messiah, or simply a fabricator & Liar? 


In his book Izala Auham, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani wrote;

“I have claimed to be Maseel Maseeh, which stupid people thinks that it is The Promised Messiah.
I have never claimed to be the Messiah ibne Maryam. Anyone who accuses me of it, he is absolutely a liar and fabricator. For the last eight years, I have been announcing that I am only Maseel Maseeh; By that I mean that certain spiritual properties and nature and habits and virtues of Jesus(AS) has been given to me as well by God Almighty.”

- [Ruhani Khazain: Volume 3, Page # 192],  (direct link to the page)

(Izala Auham P190-191)


As you can see from the above reference, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani states how anyone who accused him of being Maseeh ibn Maryam, was a liar and a fabricator.


He would later go onto make the following claims;

“God named me Mary in the third volume of Baraheen-e-Ahmadia.  I was nurtured for two years as Mary and was raised in a womanly seclusion.  Then, the spirit of Jesus was breath into me just as was done with Mary.  Hence, I was considered to be pregnant in a metaphorical manner.  After a period of several months, not exceeding ten, I was made Jesus out of Mary by the revelation embodied in the last part of the fourth volume of Baraheen-e-Ahmadia; and thus, I became Jesus, son of Mary.  But, God did not inform me of this secret at that time.”
- [Ruhani Khazain: Volume 19, Page # 50] (direct link to the page)
Kashti Nooh P.46-47


“I swear upon God in whose hands is my life, that he has sent me and he only has named me prophet and he called me by the name Promised Messiah.”
- [Ruhani Khazain: Volume 22, Page # 503] (direct link to the page)

Haqiqat ul Wahi

 And also

“Thereafter, Divine revelations descended upon me
like torrential rain, affirming that I am the Promised
Messiah who was to come.”

- [The Essence of Islam: Volume 4, Page # 46]. (direct link to the page)


Also, as you may know, the followers of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani often refer to him as the ‘Promised Messiah’. So, what was Mirza Ghulam? Was he truly the Promised Messiah, or was he simply a fabricator and a liar, for proclaiming to be the Promised Messiah? You can decide for yourself.


Prophet or a Kafir?

Mirza Ghulam, a prophet of God, or a Kafir? Let’s see what his writings say:


“O People!… Do not be an enemy of Quran and after Khatamun Nabiyeen do not start new silsila (chain) of prophetic revelation.”
- [Ruhani Khazain: Volume 4, Page # 335] (direct link to the page)

Asmani Faisla P.14


I made it clear that I am not a Kafir; that Allah knows I am a Muslim, and I believe in all the articles of faith which the Ahl-e-Sunnah wal Jama‘at profess, that I believe in the Kalimah, that I face the Qibla when praying, that I am not a claimant to Prophethood and that, in fact, I consider such a claimant to be outside the pale of Islam.”
- [Asmani Faisla (Heavenly Decree) English version, Page # 6]. (direct link to the page)


“How can it be permitted that I claim Prophethood and go out of the fold of Islam and join the party of Kaafirs (infidels)?”
- [Ruhani-Khazain: Volume 7, Page # 297] (direct link to the page)

Hamama tul Bushra P.79


“Can such a wretched fabricator who claims himself to be a Prophet and Messenger, have faith in Quran, and can such a person who have faith in Quran and believes the verse: ‘wala'kin Rasoolullahi wa Khataman Nabiyeen’ to be the word of Allah, say that I am also a Messenger and Prophet after Holy Prophet S.A.W?”
- [Ruhani-Khazain: Volume 11, Page # 27]. (direct link to the page)

Anjaam Aatham P.27


So my madhab is that any person who in reality claims Prophethood and separates himself from the affluence of Prophet (saw) and openly declares himself as a Prophet of God, such a person is an atheist, non religious and most probably such a person would even introduce his own Kalimah, innovate his own method of prayers and give new religious rulings. So without a doubt, such a person is a brother of Musaylma Kazzab and there is no doubt of him being a Kafir. How can you say that such an evil person could believe in the Qur’an.
- [Ruhani-Khazain: Volume 11, Page # 27 - 28] (direct link to the pages)

Anjaam Aatham P.27-28


“I am neither a claimant of Prophethood and nor I deny Miracles, Angels and Night of Power …. and after Syedna wa Maulana Muhammad S.A.W, Khatamul Mursaleen, i consider any claimant of Prophethood and Messengership to be a liar and Kafir (Infidel). I believe that Wahi (Revelation) of Messengership started on Adam (a.s) and ended upon Muhammad (S.A.W).”

- - [Majmua Ishtiharat (collection of advertisements) Page 230 - 231] (Link to the PDF)


As you can see from the above references, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani’s early beliefs were clear. Any new claimant of Prophethood would be a liar, kafir, infidel, a wretched fabricator and thus taking himself out of the pale of Islam. Now please take a look at some more of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani’s writings below:

“True God is that God who has sent his Messenger (Mirza Ghulam Qadiani) to Qadian.”
- [Ruhani Khazain: Volume 18, Page # 231] (direct link to the page)

Dafi ul Bala P.11


As I’ve repeatedly said that the Kalaam which you hear from me is absolutely without any doubt, the Kalaam (Word) of God And I’m God’s Zilli and Baruzi Prophet, and it’s religious Waajib (incumbent) on every Muslim to follow my command and believe me as their Promised Messiah. And to everyone to whom my message has been delivered, even though he’s a Muslim, but he refuses to takes my rulings and neither believes that I’m the Promised Messiah nor does he consider my revelations divine, then he is answerable to heavens (God).
- [Ruhani Khazain: Volume 19, Page # 95] (direct link to the page)

Tuhfat un Nadwa P.4


“I swear upon God in whose hands is my life, that he has sent me and only he has named me Prophet and he called me by the name Promised Messiah.”
- [Ruhani Khazain: Volume 22, Page # 503] (direct link to the page)

Haqiqat ul Wahi


In the letter sent to John Hugh Smyth-Pigott, Mirza signed the letter off with the words ‘The Prophet, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’.


When Mirza Ghulam Qadiani made his claims of Prophethood, according to his own fatwa, he himself became a liar, kafir, a wretched fabricator and took himself out of the pale of Islam. If Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was indeed a Prophet, then it would not be acceptable that Allah would allow any such contradictions within Mirza Ghulam Qadiani’s writings.


Dear Ahmadi Brothers and Sisters! Kindly open up your mind before it's too late.

May ALLAH guide you all to the right path. Indeed guidance only comes from ALLAH, He guides whom he wills.

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  1. Shame on you the writer of this article for misrepresenting facts ... you would be held accountable for this deliberate misguided prejudice....All your translations are tinged with distortions and an average intellect can distinguish between your own short sighted IQ. You have tried interchanging words by cutting short law bearing prophethood from the writings and made it look otherwise. Really disgraceful act and ALLAH would soon let you know about your misdeeds.

    1. Anonymous, Your IQ is questionable. I can read both languages and there is nothing wrong with the highlighted text and the translation. You guys have no answers, and in your dire ignorance, you are following a path to darkness. Allah punished Mirza Qadiani by giving him a shameful and miserable "toilet" death. May Allah protect us from the fitna of Qadianiat. Ameen.

  2. Excellent piece, this just goes to show that MGAQLA was nothing but a fraud & a liar. This man made a mockery of islam aided by his cronies who took the writings of sir syed ahmad khan from 10yrs prior & used them for the aid of the british govt who gave mirza wealth for creating a fitna in islam by claiming prophethood & by insulting hindus in india thus dividing the hindus & muslims even further to aide the british policy of divide & rule.

  3. thanks for taking out the time to write posts on this blog... can u share references of the 1974 events ? are there any newspaper articles of the proceedings ?

  4. All the ten facts on ahmadiyya are false.For the rest the author manipulates words according to what he wants people to believe.To him I will day that Allah will show the direction to the deserving ones.

  5. Although, i can comment on each falsely raised objection by author, however due to lack of time at this moment i represent for all audience only One example of unfair english translation from author ' Allah ne mujhey Ibn-e-Maryam "THEHRAYA" ' has been translated as ' .. i " BECAME " Ibn-e-Maryam ' .. in urdu ("Allah ne mujhey Ibn-e-Maryam "Bana Diya" ...that is wrong translation as there us clear difference between the use of words, "Main FALAN Hun (I am The One)", and "Main falan THEHRAYA GAYA HUN (i am regarded as That One) " in th context / scope of statement. Therefore, in english author should have been translated it in correct words as 'I have been REGARDED AS "Ibn-e-Maryam" ... I am sorry friends Author is biased and requires more knowledge and wisdom of Urdu Language, while translating a text to represent exact meanings and while wearing interpretation to particular text based on context.

  6. brother its written in book "tehra". means "hun". is it so? thanks

  7. Thank you all for noting this fabrication in the above translation.
    Did any read the book 'I dare call him father' - terrible book that was, who ever wrote it - however many that are contemplating about the true nature of Islam are directed by other religions, and they are buying it by the volumes.
    May God protect his true revelations (Amin)

    You all who can read - could be good guidance for other people when it comes to deliberate mis translation such as these. May god help us; ya Allah enlighten us (Amin).

  8. Unfortunately, Mirza Ghulam Ahmed failed to prove himself even a prophet. He died for ever with a terrible disease who could not cure himself. The entire Ahmedia belief stand on one ground that Jesus died and buried in Kashmir. Its a shaky ground and contradictions in MGA appeared in his own writings. Proof is here. 1. Jesus buried in Al-Khaleeli(Gulailee),Ref: Izala-e-Auham, Rohani Khazain Vol,3 p-353-354. 2. Grave of Jesus in Syria, Ref: Atmam-e-Hujat, p-18-19, Rohani Khazain vol,8 p-296-297 (1894). 3. Jesus grave in Kashmir: Ref: Al-Huda, 12 june, 1902, p-109, Rohani Khazain vol,18 p-358-361 and p-320. Obviously, angel giving information to MGA could not find the real place where he could find the grave of Jesus. It proves MGA was living under some delusion and fabricated lies to justify his prophetic claims just as Post Biblical prophets and their books did. Reader can be the judge.

    1. Excellent analysis. Thanks.

  9. Those who keep saying he has misinterpreted them, there's no room for interpretation, it explains itself,he self contradicts. And remember you guys came 1300 years later, and even the shias have a bigger brain then you guys, stop trying to justify things that cannot be justified. Your just humiliating yourselves at this rate. Just like mirza did. Open your eyes before its too late. Or you all will end up in Dajjals army, and by then it will be too late. May Allah guide you all and keep you on the straight path.
