Written by brother T. Farooqi
As you know, the entire Qadiani religion is based on fraud, deception, distortion and lies. From time to time members of the Qadiani cult try to deceive Muslims as well as non-Muslims with the same arguments that have been at least refuted a hundred times by the scholars of real Islam. Muslims don't mind Qadianis rejecting fundamental tenets of Islamic faith as much as claiming the right of being called and treated like Muslims. For Muslims this fraud can not be tolerated any less than imposters accessing the bank account or bedroom of someone else by deceivingly passing themselves off as the real account owner or husband. Each and every Muslim feels their identity as a believer in the Islamic faith being violated by these imposters, emerged from Qadian.
One of their fraudsters, who is getting a lot of attention and spotlight through non-Muslim and unfortunately also seemingly Muslim mediums, is Qasim Rashid. You might have heard his name in association with the latest ISNA convention or stumbled over his "contributions" to various social/online medias. He also recently published an article named "10 Fabrications Muslim Leaders Need to Stop Making About Ahmadi Muslims". Now, for majority of Muslims his distorted arguments will seem old... but there's always simple people buying in this fraud and twisting of words & facts. So, insha'Allah let's address some of these "10 fabrications" which are in reality true.
10 Facts Qasim Rashid Needs to Stop Denying About Qadiani non-Muslims
[1] Ahmadiyya is a new religion[2] Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to be greater than Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
[3] Mirza Ghulam Ahmad insulted Jesus Christ
[4] Ahmadi non-Muslims consider anyone who doesn't accept Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as a Kafir (infidel)
[5] Ahmadiyya non-Muslim Community is a British or Jewish conspiracy
[6] Ahmadi non-Muslims don't accept Muhammad ﷺ as the Seal of the Prophets
[7] Ahmadi non-Muslims provoke violence to gain sympathy from the West
[8] Ahmadi non-Muslims pay people to join the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
[9] Ahmadi non-Muslims have changed the Qur'an and have invented new Hadith to suit their needs
[10] Ahmadi non-Muslims don't perform Hajj to Mecca
[Appendix] Does Qasim Rashid ever tell the truth?
Note: This cult will be judged based on the writings and sayings of their own leaders. Any Qadiani rejecting or differing from these is not really representing the Qadiani faith.
[1] Ahmadiyya is a new religion
Fraudster Qasim Rashid writes:
Quote:"The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a sect of Islam. It is not a new religion. It was founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian in 1889. Ahmad claimed that he was the awaited Messiah and Mahdi prophesized by Prophet Muhammad and foretold by the Holy Qur'an. Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, are known as Ahmadi Muslims. We adhere to the same Islamic declaration of faith, "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger. We likewise observe the same 5 Pillars of Islam and same 6 Articles of Faith.The only difference in belief is that Ahmadi Muslims believe the awaited Messiah and Mahdi has come in the person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, while the rest of the Muslim world is awaiting Jesus Christ's physical descent from heaven (a concept Ahmadi Muslims reject based on their understanding of the Qur'an and ahadeeth."
Bottom Line: Ahmadiyya is not a new religion, it is a sect of Islam.
This is one of the most common deceptions of this cult. They claim that their differences with the Islamic faith are not of fundamental but trivial nature. Actually exactly the opposite is evident from their own books. Take this excerpt from "Fataawa Ahmadiyya" for example:
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"It is completely wrong that there is some trivial conflict between us and non-Ahmedis (Muslims). Because denying the one who has been appointed by Allah (i.e., one who is sent by Allah) is infidelity. Our opposition (Muslims) are atheists of Mirza saheb's appointment (his Prophesy). Now say how can this conflict be a trivial one?"-[Fataawa Ahmadiyyah, page 274] |
And the most fundamental difference must be Mirza Ahmad claiming not
only being the prophecised Messiah or Mehdi like Qasim claims but
actually Prophethood for himself. This is a fact hard to digest for many
of today's Qadianis, so they are left with two options: Either declare
Mirza as a liar and fraud or accept his claim of prophethood. Mirza
Ghulam writes himself:
There are many other fundamental differences between Islam and the Qadiani religion, for a more detailed refutation of this lie of Qasim Rashid please refer to Mawlana Muhammad Idrees Kandhalvi (RH)'s "The Fundamental Conflicts Between Islam And Qadianiyat".
[2] Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to be greater than Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Qasim Rashid continues:
"In an effort to arouse anger in the minds of unlearned Muslims, clerics make this fabrication often. In reality Ahmad considered himself insignificant compared to the grandeur and majesty of Prophet Muhammad. Ahmadi Muslims believe Prophet Muhammad was the Seal of the Prophets, and therefore God's greatest creation. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad famously wrote, "The Prophet is Muhammad, the chosen one, who is higher and more exalted than all Prophets and is the most perfect of Messengers and is the Khatam ul Anbiya, and the best of men."
Bottom Line: The Messiah Ahmad was clear that Prophet Muhammad was the greatest of God's creation. You can read Ahmad's extensive writings in praise of the greatness and perfection of Prophet Muhammad here.
First of all, Qasim's blatantly leaving out sending salutations on the
real Prophet ﷺ reveals their lack of reverence, love and respect for the
final Messenger ﷺ. Besides that this claim is as ridiculous as the first
one and easily unveiled by many of Mirza's own statements, which Qasim
did not dare to cite. After introducing his perverted concept of being
the reincarnation of the Messenger ﷺ in "Roohani Khazain" - the Bible of
Qadianis - itself, Mirza not only stops there but emphasizes again and
again that he is on a higher spiritual level than the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
was (na'udhu billah min dhalik).
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"The spirituality of our Holy Prophet (SAW) was conceived in 5th thousand (i.e. Makki birth) with its precise attributes and that period was not the the climax of his spirituality's development. It was rather the first step to the highest pinnacle of its perfection. Thereafter this spirituality manifested itself in its full glamour during the 6th thousand (his rebirth in Qadian) at the present time."-[Khutbah-e-Ilhamiyah, Roohani Khazain, Vol.16, Page 266] |
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"The truth is that the spirituality of the (reincarnated) Holy
Prophet at the end of the 6th millennium (i.e. these days in the form of
Mirza), is much more stronger, more complete and forceful than in those
early years, rather it is like the 14th (full moon) night."
So, regardless of what Mirza Ghulam may have written in praises of the Messenger ﷺ, he still regarded himself (and his followers obviously also do) spiritually superior. And matter of fact, if Mirza Ghulam believed himself to be the reincarnation of the Messenger ﷺ then he was in his sick mind only praising himself.
Here's another example of the abuses and belittling of Allah's Messengers including the final One ﷺ.
"Muhammad has arrived again in us
with advanced glory than what he was
Who wants to see Muhammad in perfection
must go to Qadiyan and see Ghulam Ahmed."
-[Paighaam-e-Sulah: 24 March, 1916][3] Mirza Ghulam Ahmad insulted Jesus Christ
Rashid resumes the discussion directly from where we stopped:
"As with the previous fabrication, this is a common allegation some Muslim leaders espouse to create anti-Ahmadi Muslim sentiment. As Islam requires Muslims to love and revere all God's prophets, Jesus Christ is no exception. Ahmadi Muslims love Jesus more than we love our own parents or children. However, this has not stopped antagonistic clerics from promoting this fabricated claim that Ahmad insulted Jesus. Worry not, however, as Ahmadi Muslim scholars literally wrote a book to debunk this misconception."
Bottom Line: Ahmadi Muslims love and praise Jesus as a pure prophet of God.
Who is not aware of Mirza's profanities on Eesa (Alayhis salaam)?! What
Rashid means by "debunking this misconception" is that the passages
often quoted on this topic are not taken in their apparent context. Most
of them are in refutation of Christians and debates with their priests,
in which Mirza refers to the image of Jesus drawn in the Bible as
obscene, a drunkard and fornicator. But they like to forget about
Mirza's grave exaggerations in paraphrasing the stories from the
Christian scriptures and adding insults of his own.
Now, leaving aside those passages we cite Mirza below where he talks about Jesus in such a fashion, that does not befit Hadhrat Eesa (Alayhis salaam)'s status at all. The tongue of every Muslim would refuse to utter such nonsense, but not Mirza who regarded Isa (Alayhis salaam) as a very lowly and almost failed Nabi of Allah ta'ala. (na'uzubillah)
Now, leaving aside those passages we cite Mirza below where he talks about Jesus in such a fashion, that does not befit Hadhrat Eesa (Alayhis salaam)'s status at all. The tongue of every Muslim would refuse to utter such nonsense, but not Mirza who regarded Isa (Alayhis salaam) as a very lowly and almost failed Nabi of Allah ta'ala. (na'uzubillah)
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"(Jesus, The Messiah) came to a particular nation and Alas! the world did not get any spiritual benefit from him. He left an example of such a prophethood whose harm proved to be greater than its good. Sufferings and Conflicts increased due to his coming."-[Ittmam-al-Hujjat, Roohani Khazain Vol 8, Page 308] |
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"Although the Messiah (Jesus) kept healing physical ailments by
this practice (of mesmerism), in terms of instilling firm belief and
guidance in the hearts regarding the Oneness of God and in establishing
religious steadfastness, his achivements were so poor that he was almost
a failure."
[4] Ahmadi non-Muslims consider anyone who doesn't accept Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as a kafir (infidel)
Qasim keeps deceiving the innocent laymen:
The official stance (fatwa) of Qadianis in this regard has been quoted already above under point number 1, which declares "disbelief in Mirza Ghulam" as infidelity. Our friend Rashid must be aware of the book "Kalimatul Fasl" (if not then he can download it from Qadiani's official website), well let's have a quick review by the Lahori sect of Qadiani religion of this book:Quote:
"For the record, Ahmadi Muslims consider anyone a Muslim who recites the Kalima or Islamic declaration of faith that Prophet Muhammad taught, "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger." Thus, far from passing takfir (declaring infidel) on anyone, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the world's only Muslim sect that has categorically rejected the poison of Takfirism since its inception in 1889. Over a century ago the Messiah Ahmad declared even about those who did not accept him, "...my belief from the beginning has been that no person becomes a kafir or antichrist by denying my claim. I do not apply the term kafir to any person who professes the Kalima..."
On the contrary, in 1974 Muslim leaders from each of Islam's 72 other sects convened in Pakistan, and in a collective act of takfir, unanimously declared all Ahmadi Muslims to be "non-Muslim." This unprecedented pronouncement led Pakistan's Parliament to pass the Second Amendment, formally declaring Ahmadis to be non-Muslim. To date, Muslim leaders the world over rely on the 1974 amendment to practice takfir against all Ahmadi Muslims."
Bottom Line: Ahmadi Muslims consider a Muslim anyone who recites the Kalima--as this is precisely what Prophet Muhammad taught.
"This is the book in which the Qadiani doctrine is presented most vigorously and emphatically that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is a prophet just like Moses, Jesus and the Holy Prophet Muhammad, and that any Muslim who does not believe in Hazrat Mirza sahib is (1) a kafir, (2) a full-fledged kafir, (3) excluded from the fold of Islam, and (4) that Ahmadis must treat other Muslims in the same way as if they belonged to a religion of the past like Christians, and that Ahmadis should only say assalamu alaikum to other Muslims in the same way as a Muslim can sometimes greet a non-Muslim with this greeting.
It is laid down in this book absolutely blatantly that Ahmadis must not have any religious or social dealings with other Muslims in the ways that a Muslim is meant to have dealings with his fellow Muslims.
If you want to know what caused the split in the movement in 1914, read this book written in 1915.
The Qadiani Jamaat has spent decades trying to distance itself from the views expressed in this book, so I don’t know if they have completely lost their senses by making it available online. It is the perfect gift to the opponents of the Ahmadiyya movement and gives them all the grounds for declaring Ahmadis as kafir."
Even if any Qadiani wishes to distance himself from this book like the Lahori sect, then there remain enough sayings of Mirza Ghulam himself. Which clearly show the Qadiani stance towards non-Qadianis (i.e. Muslims). Have a quick look here:
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"Allah has revealed to me that he who does not follow me and
does not give me his oath of allegiance and remains in opposition is
disobeying the will of Allah and His Rasul and is Jahannami (doomed to
"Question: Huzoor-e-aali (Respected Mirza Ghulam) has mentioned in thousands of places that it is not at all right to call Kafir a Kalima-go (someone who recites the Kalima) and an Ahle-Qibla. It is quite obvious that except those Momineen who become Kafir by calling you (Mirza Ghulam) a Kafir, no one becomes a Kafir by merely not accepting you. However, you have now written to Abdul Hakeem Khan that anyone who has received my message and has not accepted me is no longer a Muslim. There is contradiction between this statement and your statements in previous books. Earlier in Tiriaq-ul-Quloob etc you had mentioned that no one becomes Kafir by not accepting you; now you are writing that by rejecting me he becomes a Kafir?!
Answer: This is strange that you consider the person who rejects me and the person who calls me Kafir as two different persons, whereas in the eyes of God he is the same type; because he who does not accept me is because he considers me a fabricator..." -[Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 22, P. 167)]
Not only have Muslims been declared by Mirza Ghulam and his
followers as infidels, but they also declared certain interactions and
dealings with "non-Ahmadis" as totally forbidden, unlawful and sinful.
For example: Marriage with non-Qadiani, Praying Behind Muslims or
Funeral Prayer for Muslims. If you want to read more about what
Qadianis think of real Muslims, then proceed here!
Above all that Mirza Ghulam was not a regular Takfiri, but one of
it's worst forms. Whoever dared to oppose his absurdities became not
only victim of blatant Takfir like above, but also profane slurs and
slanders. Such offenses that do not befit the tongue of any civilized
and well-mannered human, leave alone someone claiming to be Prophet,
Messiah or Mehdi.
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"And he who is not sure of our success is bastard and that he is not a lawful son of his father."
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"Except for the children of prostitute, whose hearts have been sealed by God, everyone else believes in me and has accepted me."
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"Our enemies have become the pigs of the jungle and their women have become worse than bitches."
Pakistani government can be accused of a lot, but definitely not religious harshness or so-called "fundamentalism". The decision by the National Assembly to declare Qadianis as non-Muslims was after deliberate consideration and analysis of the facts and proofs in a legal procedure, which is even recognized by the democratic system. The judges were not blinded by hate like the imposter from Qadian. If anyone wishes to find out the detailed reasons and proofs on which Qadianis have been declared non-Muslims, then the document prepared by reputable scholars of that time is available in Urdu, English and Arabic from here.
By the way, did you know that Qadiani are till today refusing to have Mirza Ghulam's works translated? It just gives strength to the assumption, that his writings contain a lot of filth and hatred, which is supposed to be hidden from the eyes of the masses. The refuters of this cult have nothing to hide and made their stance available in as many languages as possible. May Allah reward them abundantly.
Lastly, it needs to be pointed out the impression that Qasim Rashid is giving, that Qadianis and Muslims could basically unite under the banner of the same Kalimah is blatant deception on the part of this fraudster. Qadianis and their founder have totally distorted the original meaning of the Kalimah. Wherever they like they claim that the mention of the blessed Messenger ﷺ is in reality referring to Mirza Ghulam. To understand how Qadianis are debasing the Islamic proclamation of faith please read the second chapter of Mawlana Muhammad Yusuf Ludhyanvi [RH]'s "Gifts for Qadianis" (starting from page 75). It'll insha'Allah become crystal clear that Muslims and Qadianis do not share the same (proclamation of) faith!
[5] Ahmadiyya non-Muslim Community is a British or Jewish conspiracy
Let's see what lies Qasim Rashid is feeding to the world now:
"Any reasonable mind will agree that this conspiracy theory claim is utter nonsense. Since inception, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has never relied on a single penny from any government, non-profit organization, or from a person who was not a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The only people permitted to contribute to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community are members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Every donation given is recorded and a receipt is returned.
The real reason Muslim leaders make this allegation is because Ahmadi Muslims have spread peacefully to 206 nations worldwide and have done so without a single act of violence. Rather than recognize our expansion is due to following Prophet Muhammad's peaceful example, they baselessly claim that we are agents of western governments. In other words, their hatred for us exceeds their love of Prophet Muhammad. It is a shameful position such Muslim leaders take, but that won't stop us from continuing our peaceful and rapid growth. Indeed, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the fastest growing sect in Islam."
Bottom Line: The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a divine community that relies only on God and not on any worldly or secular organization.
I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories myself. Because the nature of
conspiracies is such, that they can rarely be proven with 100%
certainty. But the allegations are not as baseless and absurd as "our
non-Muslim brother in humanity" Qasim Rashid makes them seem to be.
There are countless reasons for the assumptions and allegations, that
the Qadiani religion and anti-Muslim forces indirectly as well as
directly support each other in their aims.
Anyone related to the Indian sub-continent understands the mischief the British occupiers have caused and their efforts in destroying the Islamic society, institutes and scholarship of India. Now, in such times Mirza Ghulam professed his support of and loyalty to the British government numerous times... so the idea of the British government redoing some favors is not far-fetched at all.
Anyone related to the Indian sub-continent understands the mischief the British occupiers have caused and their efforts in destroying the Islamic society, institutes and scholarship of India. Now, in such times Mirza Ghulam professed his support of and loyalty to the British government numerous times... so the idea of the British government redoing some favors is not far-fetched at all.
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"I come from a family which is out and out loyal to this
government. My father, Murtaza, who was considered its well-wisher, used
to be granted a chair in the Governor's Darbar and has been mentioned
by Mr. Griffin in his History of the Princes of Punjab. In 1857, he
helped the British Government beyond his power, that is, he procured
cavaliers and horses right during the time of Mutiny. He was considered
by the Government to be its loyal supporter and well-wisher. A number of
testimonials of appreciation received by him from the officers have
unfortunately been lost. Copies of three of them, however, which had
been published a long time ago, are reproduced on the margin. Then,
after the death of my grandfather, my elder brother Mirza Ghulam Qadir
continually occupied himself with service to the Government and when the
evil-doers encountered the forces of the British Government on the
highway of Tammun, he participated in the battle on the side of the
British Government."
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"I have been writing in favor of and to help the British
Government for the past seventeen years. During all these seventeen
years, in all the books which I wrote, I have been enticing people to be
subservient to and sympathizer of the British Government and wrote very
convincing lectures regarding abrogation of Jihad and, then I thought
it expedient and to spread this doctrine of the same abrogation of Jehad
in other countries, I wrote books in Arabic and Persian, on whose
printing and publication thousands of rupees were spent, and all those
books were distributed in Arabia, and Syria and Rome and Egypt and
Baghdad and Afghanistan."
In Volume 3 of "Majmu'a Ishtaharaat" we find the letter Mirza Ghulam wrote to the British Lieutenant Governor (which was previously available in "Tabligh-e-Risalat"). He again takes the chance to highlight his services to the British enemies of Islam.
I do not wish to delve further into this topic, but if anyone wishes to
read more about Mirza Ghulam's loyalty and obedience to the British
Goverment, which was a clear enemy of Islam in his times, then check out
"Snake in the Grass" by Dr. Syed Rashid Ali or "The Ahmadiyyah Movement: British-Jewish Connections" by Bashir Ahmad.
Qasim's claim, that the cult spread peacefully and their followers
never been involved in any single act of crime will insha'Allah be dealt
in detail under point number 7.
Addition: Mirza Ghulam's grandson Mirza Mubarak describing the Qadiani efforts taking place in Israel
Addition: Mirza Ghulam's grandson Mirza Mubarak describing the Qadiani efforts taking place in Israel
[6] Ahmadi non-Muslims don't accept Muhammad ﷺ as the Seal of the Prophets
I'm surprised this came only as the sixth "truth" on the list:Quote:
"As I mentioned earlier, Ahmadi Muslims proudly celebrate Prophet Muhammad as "Khatamun Nabiyyin" or the "Seal of the Prophets." Rather than delve into a lengthy discourse, I'll make just two points.
First, every year at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community's international Jalsa Salana in UK, His Holiness the Khalifa of Islam, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, accepts bai'at, i.e. initiation, from every member of the community. It is an annual pledge. Part of this pledge declares in no uncertain terms, "I solemnly pledge that I believe Muhammad is God's Prophet and the Seal of the Prophets." Thus, every adult Ahmadi Muslim has recited this pledge dozens of times, and every person who joins the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community affirms this pledge in writing with his or her signature.
Second, if you still do not believe me, here is an excellent book written by two Ahmadi Muslim scholars titled, "With Love to Muhammad, the KhatamunNabiyyin." You can buy the print book or download it absolutely free at the link provided as an e-book. If, after reading the book, you still do not believe me that Ahmadi Muslims consider Muhammad as the Seal of the Prophets, drop me a line and we'll chat."
Bottom Line: Ahmadi Muslims proudly declare Prophet Muhammad is Khatamun Nabiyyin.
This again is merely a play of words, because Mirza Ghulam and his
followers believe in a totally different connotation of the title
"Khatimun Nabiyyin" than Muslims do. Sorry, I know it's a bitter fact!
As soon as we understand how their usage and interpretation of the word
differs from that of the Islamic scholars, both of "Mirza Qasim sahab"
his points become totally irrelevant to the discourse.
Every Muslim believes that Prophethood has ended with the advent of our Master Muhammad ﷺ. After this final Messenger ﷺ no Nabi or Rasul, regardless of which absurd types that Qadianis invented, will ever appear. So far, that even 'Isa (alayhis salaam) will descend not as a Prophet but a follower of the final Messenger ﷺ. In "Aik Ghalati Ka Azala" (Roohani Khazain, Vl. 18) Mirza Ghulam tries to remove some misconceptions about the deviant doctrine he preaches and elaborates himself on the reason for composing this treatise:
Every Muslim believes that Prophethood has ended with the advent of our Master Muhammad ﷺ. After this final Messenger ﷺ no Nabi or Rasul, regardless of which absurd types that Qadianis invented, will ever appear. So far, that even 'Isa (alayhis salaam) will descend not as a Prophet but a follower of the final Messenger ﷺ. In "Aik Ghalati Ka Azala" (Roohani Khazain, Vl. 18) Mirza Ghulam tries to remove some misconceptions about the deviant doctrine he preaches and elaborates himself on the reason for composing this treatise:
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"Some members of my Jama‘at, who are less familiar with my claim
and its supporting arguments, and who have neither had the chance to
study my books in depth, nor have they spent enough time in my company
to be fully informed, sometimes counter an objection raised by an
opponent with an answer which is entirely contrary to the facts. Thus,
notwithstanding their adherence to the truth, they have to suffer
At this point now all Qadianis try to somehow justify Mirza Ghulam Ahmad using these titles as 'Messenger', 'Apostle' and 'Prophet' for himself. Their most common attempt is to totally distort the meaning of 'Khatmin-Nabiyyin'. They learned this from his Hollowness Mirza sahab himself, as he introduces his perverted interpretation of Khatimun-Nabiyyin and how it does not contradict with calling himself a Nabi.
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"I have stated repeatedly that, in accordance with the verse:
وَآخَرِينَ مِنْهُمْ لَمَّا يَلْحَقُوا بِهِمْ ۚ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ
So, throughout this "masterpiece of distortions" Mirza sahab introduces
absurd concepts which according to his blind followers allow him to
hijack the title of Khatimun-Nabiyyin, which all Muslims believe to be
exclusive to the final Messenger ﷺ, born in Makkah Mukarramah and not
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"Blessed is the one, who has recognized me. From amongst all of
Allah's path, I am the final path. From amongst all of Allah's lights, I
am the final light. Unfortunate is the one, who abandons me. Because
without me everything is darkness."
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"I am Adam (alayhis salaam). I am Nooh (alayhis salaam). I am
Ibrahim (alayhis salaam). I am Ishaq (alayhis salaam). I am Yaqoob
(alayhis salaam). I am Ismail (alayhis salaam). I am Musa (alayhis
salaam). I am Dawud (alayhis salaam). I am 'Isa ibn Maryam (alayhis
salaam). I am Muhammad ﷺ..."
All these and many more passages make Mirza's ambush on the true finality of Prophethood evident, especially the book "Kalimatul Fasl" of Mirza Bashir Ahmad is filled with these open, blasphemous claims: Sometimes claiming certain Ayahs refer to the Prophethood (pg. 105) and virtues (pg. 113) of their Qadiyan-born Prophet and other times the second part of our Kalimah including Mirza Ghulam's prophethood as he is no seperate entity (pg. 158).
Mirza Ghulam does also not agree with the doors of revelation, which is according to Islamic faith also exclusive to Prophets, being closed. Matter of fact, Mirza displays in the following passage his hatred for the entirely pure creed of Khatimun-Nabiyyin.
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"How absurd and false it is to believe that after the Holy
Prophet ﷺ the door of the divine 'wahi' (revelation) has been closed for ever and
there is no hope of it in the future till the Day of Resurrection - just
worship the stories. Can a religion having no direct trace of Almighty
Allah be called a religion? [...] I say, by Almighty God, that
in this age there is no one more fed up than myself with such a
religion. I name such a religion as Satanic religion and not Rehmani
(divine) and I believe that such religion guides towards Hell and keeps
one blind in life and till death."
So, it has become crystal clear that Qasim Rashid's lie stands in contradiction to the stance of his leader, who has distanced himself from the creed of Khatimun-Nabiyyin (and thus from Islam). How can the followers of such a twisted clown claim to really affirm the finality of Prophethood, that Muslims believe in? If these excerpts were not sufficient for someone to understand how Mirza's concept contradicts that of the Seal of Prophets, he should read Mufti Muhammad Shafi' Usmani [RH]'s "Finality of the Prophethood" or Dr. Syed Rashid Ali's article on "Who and What is Khatam un Nabiyeen?" for a more brief read.
[7] Ahmadi non-Muslims provoke violence to gain sympathy from the West
Qasim is following in the footsteps of his spiritual forefather and tries to gain cheap sympathy from the West:
"As shameless allegations go, it doesn't get much worse than this one. Here's the history. Several things did not happen, that should have happened, in the aftermath of the horrific May 28, 2010 Taliban terrorist attacks on two Ahmadi Muslim run mosques in Lahore. No Pakistani government leader or worldwide Muslim leader condemned the attack. No effort was made to apprehend the culprits. No steps were taken to prevent future attacks. To this day none of these things have happened, despite the fact that these horrific attacks left 86 Ahmadi Muslims dead.
Instead, one shameful event happened that should not have happened. Ahmadi Muslims were accused of provoking terrorists to gain sympathy from non-Muslims. This meritless claim is nothing more than the figment of a anti-Ahmadi cleric's imagination."Bottom Line: In the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community's 125 year history, not a single incident exists where Ahmadi Muslims engaged, approved, perpetuated--must less provoked--an act of violence. This is a verifiable fact.
Most Muslims will agree that - despite Qadiani's fraud and abuse of
Islamic faith - individuals of this cult should not be verbally or
physically assaulted. Neither Pakistani government nor Islamic scholars
have ever supported such behavior. Qadianis are enjoying the same
rights and security as any other non-Muslim group living in Pakistan.
The Ordinance XX issued in 1984 prohibits Qadianis only from indulging
in anti-Islamic activities. All violations of this prohibition according
to the penal code are punished at most by imprisoment, with a single
exception of derogatory remarks etc. in the respect of the Holy Prophet ﷺ
- which is if proven guilty punished with death penalty. Even that is
not the business of single individuals to take in their own hands, but a recognized court of Judges. And members of Qadiani faith are not the
only victims of the increasing violence in Pakistan: If we were to count
the lives of many staunch opponents of the Qadiani cult, that haven
been terminated illegal, the number would definitely surpass that of
the slained Qadianis. There's also no plan to stop the countless
killing of scholars in Pakistan. Bottom Line: The murder of any innocent
life is not justifiable, even if provoked for any sick interest. At the
same time it's a fact, that Qadianis outside of Pakistan shamelessly
exploit these single cases and pose themselves as being perpetually persecuted. They also like to claim that they are deprived of basic human rights, read here to find out if it's true.
But let's have a closer look, if the Qadiani members are really as ultra-pacifistic as they portray themselves infront of the world. In 125 years there did not exist a single act of violence which a member of Qadiani faith engaged in? This is supposed to be a verifiable fact? Mirza Ghulam and his followers could never wish harm for someone... right?
But let's have a closer look, if the Qadiani members are really as ultra-pacifistic as they portray themselves infront of the world. In 125 years there did not exist a single act of violence which a member of Qadiani faith engaged in? This is supposed to be a verifiable fact? Mirza Ghulam and his followers could never wish harm for someone... right?
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"O stupid Aryas go into some well and drown to death."
"God's destiny has moved and Heaven will surely exhibit a sign
Today not one Lekhram, but hundreds and thousands of Lekhram have been born. This is the year of Slaughtering of Lekhram and the year of Utilization of God's dagger"
-[Friday Khutba of Mirza Tahir Ahmad at Islamabad in Tilford UK, dated 18th April 1997. AlFazl International, 6th June 1997, 23 Edition, vol. 4]
Does not sound so peaceful! You will be suprised about the story of Lekhram, who was a young Hindu priest and Mirza Ghulam published the photo of his dead body later on in his "Roohani Khazain" (vol. 22 p. 306). Qasim Rashid might also care to explain who the Deendar Anjuman is and what their relationship to the Qadiani cult is? (Hashtag Terrorism) And when Qasim is already at it, we have also following questions for him:
Why were these Qadiani Students arrested for violent conduct?
Why did this Missionary order Qadianis in Israel to kill their daughters?
Why had Rana Ibrar, Ahmed Yousaf & Master Abdul Quddus to die?
Now, one finds all these incidents after a superficial Google search, there must be lot more that never made it to the surface of media. So, we can conclude the Qadiani claim to peace is as much a masquerade as the Buddhists' claim to the same... and Qasim Rashid should consider to verify his facts again!
[8] Ahmadi non-Muslims pay people to join the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
Back to Qasim Rashid:
"This meritless allegation is yet another conspiracy theory. I'm reminded of a funny story my father, an Imam, related from the early 1980s, shortly after Ahmadi Muslims were declared "non-Muslim" in Pakistan. A young man came to my father and declared his desire to become an Ahmadi Muslim. When my father inquired why, the man expressed his frustration at having to pay the Zakat tax of roughly 2.5%--and that if he were an Ahmadi, he would be exempt as a non-Muslim. Smiling, my father advised that every Ahmadi Muslim willingly contributes anywhere from 6.25% to 33% of his or her income to charity. Upon hearing this, the young man got up shocked and stormed out of the mosque.
The fact is, whenever the Qur'an mentions belief in God, it also mentions giving charity in service of humanity. This is why Ahmadi Muslims readily and eagerly sacrifice their incomes--Islam makes it our fundamental obligation to fulfill as Muslims."
Bottom Line: Far from giving people money to "join" the community, Ahmadi Muslims--new and old--consider it a privilege to contribute their hard earned finances to the service of humanity.
I wish to remind Qasim sahab of the fact, that what Qadiani's proudly call "Tableegh" resembles more the ways of Christian Missionaries than the Islamic way of propagation! Any sane reader will have noticed already, that Qadianis have no substantial proofs or evidences for their beliefs and religion and the writings of their prophecised Mirza Ghulam are also completely incongruous... so what else can they do than resort to their financial and political resources? Offering financial and other material incentives, they have misguided the poor ignorant Muslims masses in various parts of the world especially in Central and Western Africa, Far Eastern Countries and Central Asian Muslim Republics - on the same pattern as that of Christian Missionaries. This is the only reason the Qadiani organization emphasises so much on monetary sacrifices of their members.
But first things first, let's get some inspiration from Mirza sahab's life itself...
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"No one knew me. Nor were my means of livelihood such that I could live in comfort and ease. All that I owned was a little inheritance from my father. Then Allah placed the world at my disposal, while I did not expect to obtain ten rupees per month. God, however, changed my condition and held my hand. Now, I have more than three hundred thousand rupees. (note of compiler: today's equivalent of millions of dollars)"-[Haqeeqatul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain, Vol. 22 Page 220-221] |
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"If you not believe my statement then go and see the post office
register so that you will know how much door of income has opened
during this time. This income not limited through postage, rather
thousands rupees income comes in such a manner that people come to
Qadian to give, moreover that income which comes as (currency) notes in
Qasim, let me introduce you to your Khalifah Mirza Masrur Ahmad's nephew Shamsuddeen. The latter has alhamdulillah repented from your cult and embraced real Islam. He confirms, that Qadiani indeed offer financial support to those Muslims inclined towards them and beyond that offer them visa/asylum to western countries (UK, Germany, America, Canada etc.). Listen to his Interview from 18:40. There exist numerous other incidents especially of ex-Qadiani Muslims being bribed by Qadianis to return to their religion. So, till this very day Qadiani clowns are upholding the literally golden principle of "money talks", that their founder Mirza Ghulam introduced them to. For more details about Mirza sahab's "obsession for Chandah" read here...
[9] Ahmadi non-Muslims have changed the Qur'an and have invented new hadith to suit their needs
Now, Qasim is slowly running out of serious amunition:
"While no Muslim leader has ever actually presented a single example of Ahmadi Muslims changing the Qur'an or inventing ahadith, this myth perpetuates. In making such an allegation Muslim leaders only succeed in maligning the Qur'an, as the Qur'an itself promises that it will not be changed."
Bottom Line: Ahmadi Muslims wholly embrace the Qur'an and read from the same one true Qur'an revealed to Prophet Muhammad.
Qadianis were also challenged to find the Qur'anic Ayah mentioning "Khaatamul Khulafaa" and the Prophetic Hadith mentioning "Maseeh Ma'ood" explicitely. Till today no Qadiani decided to cash in... Mirza would definitely not have missed this opportunity.
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"The person named Khaatamul Khulafaa in Qur'an, is the same person named Maseeh Ma'ood in the Ahadith."
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"The Quran mentions the names of three cities with great respect: Makkah, Madina, and Qadian."
Can it get any more wicked than this? Mirza Ghulam was definitely not reading the same Qur'an which Muslims do. But more alarming than these change of words is the change of meanings that Mirza Ghulam sahab has ascribed throughout his writings to numerous Verses of the Holy Qur'an (see here) and prophetic traditions. He used to seize every chance to twist the meaning of them in such a ridiculous manner, that today thousands believe that he was actually prophecised by the sacred scriptures. And then he simply claims the Verses have been re-revealed to him. The surface of this earth has hardly seen any similair vicious deception! Find out more about Mirza's alterations of the Holy Qur'an...
Besides the distortion of Qur'anic verses, if you really believe Mirza accepts Ahadith then he fooled you. Let's read his views on Ahadith from his own pen...
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"By the oath of Allah I proclaim, that the base for my claims
are not Ahadith, but rather Qur'an and the Wahi that was revealed upon
me. Yes, for the sake of support we also present those Ahadith, which
are in accordance to the Qur'an and don't contradict my Wahi. All other
Ahadith we throw away like trash. If there existed no Ahadith in the
world, then it would still not harm my claims in any way."
Bottom Line: Ahadith of our noble Master ﷺ according to the imposter Mirza Ghulam are inferior to his revelations from his angels Techi Techi and Mithan Lal!
[10] Ahmadi non-Muslims don't perform Hajj to Mecca
"As devout Muslims, Hajj is an important part of every Ahmadi Muslim's life. It is a pillar of Islam and an obligation on all Muslims who are physically and financially able to perform this pilgrimage. The myth that Ahmadi Muslims don't perform Hajj stems from Pakistan, where Ahmadi Muslims are forbidden from performing Hajj.
Pakistan has mandated that anyone who performs Hajj must sign a form declaring all Ahmadi Muslims as infidels, liars, and apostates. Pakistan is the world's only nation that imposes this barbaric and draconian requirement. But, Pakistan does so because they know Ahmadi Muslims won't sign the form. Accordingly, Pakistan forcibly prevents Ahmadi Muslims from performing Hajj. A forcible restriction is a far cry from Ahmadi Muslims choosing not to perform Hajj.
I personally know countless Ahmadi Muslims--even members of my immediate family--who have performed both Hajj and Umrah (a lesser Hajj) to Mecca."
Bottom Line: Ahmadi Muslims perform Hajj because it is a pillar of Islam.
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"People also go to perform a common and voluntary Hajj, but at
this place (coming to Qadian) is more reward and staying neglectful is
harmful and dangerous. Because this is a heavenly stream and divine
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"The land of Qadian is now sanctified... Crowds of people making it the Holy Land..."
Harimain Sharifain don't hold any virtue over Qadian anyway, then what is the real objective of Qadianis performing Hajj & Umrah? I will let Mirza Bashir Ahmad round up the conclusion himself...
Bottom Line: Non-Muslim members of Qadiani faith are not welcome in Makkah Mukarramah or Madinah Munawwarah!
During the time I was working on this thread, I found also a briefer refutation of the same article which I wish to share with the readers.
Does Qasim Rashid ever tell the truth?
In a recent article…Qasim Rashid tries to answer some common questions about Ahmadiyyat. However, his deceit is soooo noticeable…its almost as if Ahmadis are purposely lying about all of their beliefs. Here is a link to his article: www.huffingtonpost.com/qasim-rashid/10-fabrications-musli... And here is my response…point by point:
1. He never mentions that MGAQ is a new-styled prophet. Why doesnt he tell that? Why would someone leave that out?? Answer: deception. Ahmadis love to send out mix signals. Why doesnt Qasim Rashid simply tell the world that MGAQ is a prophet, a new type of prophet, a type of prophet that never existed in the Quran, Bible or Torah. Ahmadis believe that Muhammadcan make people into prophets, this concept is alien to Islam.
2. Qasim Rashid doesnt even address the writings of MGAQ after 1901, after his claim to prophethood that is and how it evolved….even totally forgets about the quote that WE use wherein a poem was recited in MGAQ’s presence wherein the poet claimed that Muhammadhad came again in Qadian. Qasim also leaves out the fact MGAQ claimed to be Muhammad
in total.
3. Qasim Rashid leaves out all the writings of MGAQ in Anjam e Athim, wherein MGAQ insulted Jesus (as) to the highest degree. Why??? Why did MGAQ call the Jesus of the bible as a drunkard, etc?
4. Again, Qasim Rashid quotes writings of MGAQ pre-1901 and ignores the change in belief that occurred in 1901. He thus avoids the entire matter. He also forgets that MGAQ said that if anyone calls him Kafir, that person autmatically becomes Kafir himself. He also forgets to mention the dispute between MGAQ and Dr. Khan and the the words that were exchanged. He also forgets about the article by Mahmud Ahmad in 1911, wherein this very topis is discussed. He also forgets that the Lahoris split away from the Qadianis on this very matter and even claimed that Mahmud Ahmad and his Ahmadis were cery aggressive in their Takfeer.
5. Qasim Rashid forgets that Muslims gave monies to MGAQ in 1878, 1879 etc etc etc towards the publishing og Braheen e Ahamdiyya, 50 volumes worth. It were these people who gave MGAQ the start-up costs to start his business of selling religion. He also forgets that it was the British govt who allowed MGAQ the oppurtunity to make his claim. MGAQ admits to all of this….on top of all of this….in 1857, MGAQ’s family helped the British immensely as Muslims rebelled, MGAQ was thus given special treatment, he was even afforded a chair in all of his court cases. SO…..he got special treatment from the British throughout his life.
6. Qasim Rashid very cleverly fails to explain that Ahmadis believe in a new type of prophethood. Thus all the problems his sect if facing in Pakistan. He fails to explain that Ahmadis believe that Muhammadcan make prophets, thus opposing the Quran.
7. Ahmadis are engaged in using the violence against them to gain a competitve advantage. However, they fail to undersand the reasons for the violence. If Ahmadis simply left Pakistan…all of this would be over.
8. Ahmadis offer incentives to join their community. They offer benefits like asylum, etc. They offer a network wherein someone can easily find a job. The list goes on and on.
9. Ahmadis have re-interpretted the Quran, totally against the historical records which describe the context of many verses. And there is a hadith that MGAQ made up…its the hadith about the Messiah coming in the 14th century…which doesnt exist. However, MGAQ wrote it in his books as if it exists.
10. Muslims dont make this allegation. However, the Saudi govt. has banned Ahmadis from entering their country. The USA is a strong ally, and has been since the 1950′s or so. And Ahmadis have no problem filling out passport paperwork and ID card paperwork wherein they affirm that they are non-Muslim, however, they willfully boycott all govt. elections and take advantage of their unique position by filing for asylum. Ahmadis contradist themsleves here in sooooo many ways.
10.a. Even though Ahmadis are banned from Mecca, they still enter in defiance and pray seperately to make up for all the false praying.
In conclusion…Qasim Rashid proves again the extent to which Ahmadis are willing to lie, just to promote their religion…what a shame.
Besides that there also more threads on MS dealing with this cult worth reading:
Meat of Shia - Qadyani - Non Sunni Muslims
The Clown of Qadian
Islam, Qadianism and Shiaism
Temples called Masjids
Lastly, I humbley request all my brothers and sisters in Islam to make Du'a to Allah ta'ala to accept this little contribution of mine.
Hats off to our brother Mr. T. Farooq for writing such a wonderful response to Qasim Rashid.
Original Source: MuftiSays.com
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