Tuesday, 28 June 2016

On the issue of Hamza Ali Abbasi and Ahmadis (Qadianis) in Pakistan, 10 points to keep in mind.

On the issue of Ahmadis (Qadianis) in Pakistan, 10 points to keep in mind.

1. As in the Arab and Western worlds, discussing the greatness of Yazid or Hitler in a non-intellectual TV show would be nothing other than incitement. Similarly, bringing the Qadiani/Ahmadi issue on a non-intellectual forum in Pakistan, and illogically targeting the state in the process, is nothing short of incitement. It is similar to bringing a cow and a Muslim butcher on to a live TV show in India.

2. The state of Pakistan, by stopping such blatant incitement, is protecting the lives of Qadianis, otherwise there are crazy people who can carry out assault and murder after such incitement. Long live the State of Pakistan.

3. Intellectual discussion is a must so that newer generations add to their knowledge. A Qadiani representative and we should be invited and the points under discussion and the terms of reference should be agreed beforehand. It was such a discussion in Parliament in 1974 which resulted in the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. This amendment declared Qadiani and Lahori Ahmadis non-Muslim for purposes of the constitution.

4. The State of Pakistan cannot declare anyone ‘kafir’ nor did it do so! In 1919, the British Raj decided that for purposes of the census, Sikhs would no longer be Hindus. In exactly the same way, since the Constitution of Pakistan mandates that the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan be Muslims, the State has the right to decide who is, and who is not, a Muslim. The Zionist state has the right to decide if a person landing is a Jew and is automatically entitled to citizenship. In India, hearing cases about divorce or second marriage, a court can seek to determine whether the complainant is Muslim or not. And in Britain, the cradle of democracy, the religion of members of the Royal Family is investigated to ensure that no Catholics are on the line to the Throne.

5. Parliament is sovereign and has the right to make any law. If the representatives of the people decide that a week should have 10 days, a week shall have 10 days.

6. Ahmadis in Pakistan are entitled to hold and utter their beliefs in their houses and their places of worship.

7. If the Qadiani leader, who obeys every British law, accepted the 1974 ruling, there would be no need for the 1980 ordinance, and had he accepted the law of 1980, there would be no need for the laws of 1984. If the leaders did not preach anarchy against the Pakistani state in their gatherings, they would still be allowed to have those gatherings.

8. The political predicament of the Qadiani organization is a direct result of the political blunders of their leaders that they committed in Kashmir (1935) and Baluchistan (1953), and then by backing the PPP wholeheartedly and attacking a train thinking they were the darlings of the PPP (1974), they sealed their political future.

9. The murder rate of Qadiani Ahmadis is less than their proportion in the population. There is no organized group or movement in Pakistan that is systematically murdering minorities. Terrorists target Christians and other minorities. Qadianis cannot have their cake and eat it too: either they are successful, educated and rich – or they are suppressed and persecuted and being wiped out. Choose one option.

10. The only person responsible for the ostracization of Ahmadis in Pakistan is their leader, Mirza Masroor Ahmad. He encourages every Pakistani Ahmadi to break the law and isolate himself from society. And innocent Qadianis in Pakistani have made their lives miserable for the sake of this Panama account-holder leader. If there are two valid and two invalid cases against Ahmadis in Pakistan every year, and the country is saved from the anti-Ahmadi violence of 1953 or 1974, it is the success of the state of Pakistan.

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