بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وحده و الصلاة و السلام على من لا نبي بعده و على آله و أصحابه أجمعين
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful
If you ask an Ahmadi about the purpose of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani's advent, he/she will immediately answer you that one of the main purpose of the coming of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was to unite all the religions of the world.
Now the pressing question is, has he really united all the religions of the world?
In this article we will show the readers how he couldn't even unite his own sect.
Basically the two sects of Ahmadiyya are very famous, The Lahori Ahmadi and the Qadiani Ahmadi Jamaat. But Ahmadiyya is divided into too many sects. Today we are going to go through a list of various Ahmadi sects and groups.
1st Sect:
The first in the lineup is the Qadiani-Ahmadi Community, led by UK-based Mirza Masroor Ahmed. He claims to be Khalifatullah.
Here is a picture of him with the Ontarian Premier.
His website is http://www.alislam.org/
2nd Sect:
The famous Lahori-Ahmadi Sect, officially known as Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha’at-e-Islam Lahore, founded by Maulana Muhammad Ali. He argued that his interpretations of the teachings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmadi Qadiani are the true teachings, and the Qadiani-Ahmadi sect do not truly follow his teachings.
He is pictured below;
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Maulana Muhammad Ali in October 1951 |
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Maulana Muhammad Ali addressing congregation, probably in Karachi, late 1940s |
You can find more early Lahori pictures: http://ahmadiyya.org/photos/hist-ind.htm
Their official website is: http://www.aaiil.org/
3rd Sect:
The third in the lineup is the Jamaat Ahmadiyyat Islah Pasand. They follow Abdul Ghaffar Janbah, who says he is Ghulam-e-Massihuzaman (Musleh Maud) and Khalifatullah. He frequently says that Allah has given him revelation, prophecies and other ilhams. He gained enough attention and popularity after his debate with Ansar Raza.
Here's a picture of him.
His website is http://www.alghulam.com/
4th Sect:
The fourth in line-up is Green Ahmadiyyat, founded by Mirza Rafi Ahmed, whom they call “Mahmood-e-Sani Confidant of Ayub-e-Ahmadiyyat Harzrat Sahibzada Mirza Rafi Ahmed”. He reportedly passed away in January 2004 and is buried in Bahashti Maqbara of Rabwah. Green Ahmadiyyat is current headed by Ch. Ghulam Ahmad.
Mirza Rafi Ahmad is pictured below;
Their website is http://greenahmadiyyat.org/
5th Sect:
Fifth in line is the Jamaat ul Sahih Al Islam. It is headed by Munir Ahmad Azim. In addition to the previously mentioned, he also claims to be Khalifatullah. They claim that the sect of Mirza Masroor Ahmed is persecuting him and his followers. They do not say that Mirza Masroor Ahmed is not following the true teachings of Ahmadiyyat, but neither is Abdul Ghaffar Janbah. A recent blog post argues exactly that, you can read it here:
Here's his picture
Their official website is: http://www.jamaat-ul-sahih-al-islam.com/
6th Sect:
Sixth on the list is the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al-Mouslemeen. They are headed by Zafrullah Domun, who also claims to be the Khalifatullah. They claim to be the true followers of Ahmadiyyat and argue that the mainstream Ahmadis and their leaders have gone astray. He has written an open letter to the leaders of the mainstream Ahmadi sect.
His picture is given below:
His community’s website is: http://www.jaam-international.org/
7th Sect:
Seventh one is Jamaat Ahmadiyyat Haqiqi, led by Nasir Ahmad Sultani, pictured below. He also claims to be true Khalifatullah and a divine reformer of the Ahmadiyya Community.
At least he has the same 'Pagri' style as Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani! He also held a debate with Ansar Raza Sahib. This Jamaat is growing and has converted many from the followers of Mirza Masroor Ahmed.
His website, http://al-ahmadiyyat.com/official/ (Website currently taken down) boasts many converts from other Ahmadiyya sects.
8th Sect:
The final one on the list is Anwar-ul Islam Nigeria. They were formerly part of the sect of Mirza Masroor Ahmed, but broke apart to establish their own autonomy in Nigeria. The details are unclear, but the dispute arose because of a legal battle between Mirza Masroor’s sect and the Nigerian community, which eventually led to a division.
Their website is here: http://www.anwarulislam.com/ (Website is currently taken down)
Ahmadis! Take your pick! Which Ahmadiyya sect do you want to follow?
Dear Ahmadi Brothers and Sisters! Kindly open up your mind before it's too late.
May Allah guide you all to the right path. Indeed guidance only comes from Allah.
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