Lies against Quran and hadith

Before getting into the lies, you may wish to visit here and read Ghulam Ahmad's statements in relations to lies and liar. 

Lies against the Quran

1. Quran refers to Ghulam-Ahmad as 'son of Mary'?

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"If I cannot perform miracles, I am a liar. If the death of the Son of Mary cannot be substantiated by the Holy Quran, I am a liar. If the Hadith of the Mi‘raj 13 does not show the Son of Mary residing among the souls of the dead, I am a liar. If the Holy Quran has not made it abundantly clear in Sura An-Nur that the successors of this umma will come from within the umma itself, I am a liar. If the Holy Quran has not referred to me as the Son of Mary, I am a liar." A Gift to An-Nadwa p19 (Tuhfa Nadwa English translation)

Where exactly in the Qur'an has Mirza been referred to as the son of Mary? 

2. Some individuals from this ummah have been named 'Mary' in Surah Tahrim?


"it is also inferred from the Holy Quran because it is explicitly stated in Surah at-Tahrim that some individuals of this Ummah have been named ‘Maryam’ [Mary]" - Brahin e Ahmadiyya part 5 p484

Surah Tahrim is 12 ayahs long, where in the surah does it say what Mirza claimed?

3. Quran says there'll be a plague at the time of the Promised Messiah?

"Let it also be borne in mind that both the Holy Quran and even certain books of the Torah foretell that plague will break out in the time of the Promised Messiah." - The Ark of Noah p7-8 (Kashti Nuh English translation)

Lies against Hadith

1. Bukhari clearly states Jesus has passed away

"Sahih Bukhari however, is a most blessed and valuable collection of Hadith for the Muslims. It is the very same compilation which states clearly that Jesus, peace be upon him, has passed away." - Noah's Ark p105 (Kashti Nuh translation)

2. The Mahdi will have a printed book

"Ek aur pesghoi ka poora hona"


"It is mentioned in many sahih hadiths that the Promissed Messiah would have a published book which would contain names of his 313 companions (sahaba) and so it is worth mentioning that today this prediction is fulfilled. It is evident that this deceased ummah did not have any claimant of mehdiat before who has printing press in his time" - Ruhani Khazain 11, P324 (Zameena Anjam e Atham)

4. Bukhari contain an ahadith of the mahdi?

"Therefore, how absurd is it to present any hadith against it and to interpret the hadith to mean what is obviously contrary to the Holy Quran? If the account of ahadith is to be relied upon, then those ahadith that are much more authentic and trustworthy than this hadith should be accepted first; e.g. those ahadith of Sahih al-Bukhari foretelling the appearance of Khulafa’ in the Latter Days, especially that khalifah about whom it is recorded in Sahih al-Bukhari that, for him, a voice will descend from heaven: ‬ [This is God’s Khalifah, the Guided One]. Now consider the status and credibility of this hadith—which is recorded in the most authentic of books after the Book of Allah." - Testimony of the Holy Quran p65-66 (Shahadatul Quran English translation)

5. The promised Messiah would be the Mujadid of the 14th century

"Then will be the end. So, all the above have come to pass. Similarly, it was written in ahadith that the Promised Messiah would appear at the head of the century and that he would be the Mujaddid [Reformer] of the fourteenth [Hijri] century." - Brahin e Ahmadiyya 5 p483

His followers may argue the above references are simple human error on the part of Ghulam Ahmad, this however goes against Ghulam Ahmad, who claimed God kept him safe from making such errors:

"And Allah does not leave me on error for a moment it takes to bat an eyelid. He protects me from all error and guides me from the ways of the devil" - Ruhani Khazain 8 p272


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